Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sad and Good News!!

This past Friday on the 19Th we had to make a sad decision and put our Cocker Spaniel named Hunter down. He had diabetes real bad and ended up getting blind in both eyes. Girls had a really hard time with it so of course we had to get a new family pet to help us with the loss. We got a chocolate lab and named her Izzy. She is a sweet puppy and we are all enjoying her.



How sad... sorry for your loss.


RIP Hunter... or coming from Sam, RIP " The dog that had two scabs for butt cheeks " lol We love you!

Jeff and Kandis said...

such a cute puppy- Michael would love her.
So sad about the dog, sorry.

welcome to the blog world

Steph and KO said...

Yeah, it will be good to see what's going on with more people down south! Rhylee will be happy to see pics of Lindsey!

Gabe & Hannah said...

Sorry about Hunter- I know it was hard...I am glad that you found a new dog and the you are BLOGGING now!!!

Taylor Family said...

now hunter is in doggy heaven...which i hear is i love you all!
YAY finally you have a blog!