Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day,, Mommy!!

Christmas as Nana Lennie's!

Got lots of little goodies in my stocking from old Saint Ron!

Admiring my new brown boots from Daddy!

My new gym bag.
This year has flown by. I know I didnt get my annual Christmas letter out this year, and I have NEVER missed, so thats why Im kinda giving little updates to friends and family:) I am now 27 weeks pregnant and am expecting our first son in early Spring. We are soooo excited about adding another Child of God to our family. I am serving in the Relief Society Presidency at church and am enjoying that calling. I am also still teaching aerobics and weight-lifting classes about 4 times a week and love it!! I love spending time with my family and am so thankful for each and everyone of them. I hope this "Blog" gives you a little insight of how we are doing and we hope the New Year brings you many blessings along with great health!!!

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